
Our monthly newsletter, THE BARKER’S BYTE, was launched on Tuesday 7th April 2020 by Jackie MacKay.    We hope to keep members up-to-date with what’s happening at the club, so please look out for it in hard copy  at the club, by email, and you can always find it here too.      All sections of the club, and of course members, are encouraged to send in anything for the newsletter that might be of interest to members.

From January 2022 all contributions can be sent to the new editor, Julie Burton at


January 2024 Barkers Byte February 2024 Barkers Byte March 2024 Barkers Byte
April 2024 Barkers Byte May 2024 Barkers Byte June 2024 Barkers Byte


Barkers Byte January 2023 Link to obtain a United Petrol Station discount card is below
Barkers Byte February 2023 Barkers Byte March 2023
Barkers Byte April 2023 Barkers Byte May 2023 Barkers Byte June 2023
Barkers Byte July 2023 Barkers Byte Aug 2023 September 2023 Barkers Byte
October 2023 Barkers Byte November 2023 Barkers Byte December 2023 Barkers Byte


Barkers Byte January_2021 BarkersByte_February 22 BarkersByte_March 2022
BarkersByte_April 2022 Barkers Byte May22 Barkers Byte June2022Bowls Triples & Fours Points System 
Newsletter July 2022 Barkers Byte Aug 2022 Barkers Byte September 2022
Barkers Byte October 2022 Barkers Byte Nov 2022 Barkers Byte Dec 2022


April 2020 newsletter May 2020 newsletterGayles sausage rolls June 2020 Newsletter
July 2020 NewsletterSilo Art Trail in Victoria August Barkers Bytecoach newsletter September Barkers Bytehttpss://
Barkers Byte Oct 2020 Barkers Byte November 2020 Dec Barker’s Byte
Barkers Byte January 2021 Barkers Byte Feb 2021 Barkers Byte March 2021
Barkers Byte April 2021 Barkers Byte May 2021 Barkers Byte June 2021
Barkers Byte July 2021 Barkers Byte – August 2021 Barkers Byte Sept 2021
Barkers Byte October 2021 Barkers Byte Nov 2021 Barkers Byte Dec 2021-v2