Mooroolbark Bowls Club


The first batch of shirts printed with Mooroolbark on the back can be collected Friday 15 th July 12.30 and 1.30pm or Saturday 16th July  11am and 12 noon.
For those who have NOT YET left their shirts for the printing  they can leave them at the club at the same times as above. This second batch printing conditions are the same as the first – one shirt printing paid for by the club; and if you want more than one done it will cost you $5.00 per shirt.  Make sure your shirt is CLEARLY NAMED and if you want more than one bring your $5.00.
See you at the club for collection/leaving of shirts
Friday 15 th July 12.30 – 1.30pm
Saturday 16 th July 11am – 12noon

Neil Johnson